Let's Connect!! Visit with our community groups.

Event Date: 
Friday, May 31, 2024 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Event Location: 

Connecting the Community has invited some great community groups in Richmond Hill to come together for an afternoon. They want to meet each other and meet others in our community.

Delmanor Elgin Mills is very pleased to host this inaugural event.  They have provided their beautiful lobby space and refreshments!!
Display tables will be set up for each group, with representatives.  L'Arche Daybreak will have some of their crafts for sale.

Come have a cup of tea and see the "communi -tea".

Everyone is invited. Bring a friend.  

Parking is in the adjacent lot just north of Delmnaor. 

There is no fee and registration is not required. 

The participating groups are:

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