April is Stress Awareness Month

1 min to read

LearningRx Brain Training Shares Tips to Reduce “Test Stress” for Students

April is Stress Awareness Month and because few things stress out students more than tests, LearningRx, the largest personal brain training company in the world, is offering tips to reduce “test stress.”

Here are four to consider:

1. Focus on Nutrition: Children’s (and teen’s) brains burn through energy very rapidly and needs consistent fuel. Feed your student meals balanced with healthy carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Look for ways to incorporate healthy “brain foods” into your family’s diet: beans, olive oil, walnuts, blueberries, and omega-3-rich fish like wild salmon, mackerel and tuna.

2. Manage Anxiety: Whether genetic or situational, extreme worry can cause physical responses in the body that hinder a student from performing well on a test. Teach your child or teen relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or visualization.

3. Help Your Student Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation is known to decrease attentiveness, response time, short-term memory, and performance.  

4. Train Your Student’s Cognitive Skills: While knowledge is the information that is acquired—such as math formulas—cognitive skills are the tools the brain needs to learn, understand, and apply those math formulas. When taking timed tests, one of the most important cognitive skills is processing speed. Other cognitive skills include auditory & visual processing, attention, logic & reasoning, and memory. When cognitive skills are strong, learning (and taking tests) is faster and easier. Enroll your child in a personal brain training program that’s designed to target and strengthen the fundamental brain skills needed to excel on all types of timed tests—and school in general.

About LearningRx®

LearningRx-Richmond Hill is the first LearningRx Centre in Canada. LearningRx is the largest one-on-one brain training company in the world. Their training programs are delivered through more than 200 locations in North America and in 48 countries around the globe (as BrainRx®). LearningRx has helped more than 100,000 individuals and families sharpen their cognitive skills to help them think faster, learn easier, and perform better. In addition to their in-Centre training programs that partner every client with a personal brain trainer to keep clients engaged, accountable, and on-task—a key advantage over digital brain games—the company also offers online training through real-time videoconferencing. This virtual delivery method allows clients to train from the comfort of their own home while still receiving the benefits of one-on-one brain training with a personal brain trainer. LearningRx's pioneering methods have been used in clinical settings for over 35 years and have been subjected to peer-review in more than a dozen scientific journals.

To learn more, visit: https://www.learningrx.com